About us.
Meet the international journalists and newsrooms behind the Environmental Reporting Collective.
The Environmental Reporting Collective is a growing network of journalists and newsrooms from over a dozen countries, all dedicated to investigating environmental crimes collaboratively.
Our collaborative approach to journalism means that all our content – stories, videos, photos, etc. – are free to be republished and adapted by any media organisation (under Creative Commons license BY-NC 4.0).
This allows us to investigate and expose global environmental crimes on a much larger scale, for three reasons:
COLLABORATIVE REPORTING: Our journalists work together to fill in gaps in each others’ reporting, especially when tracing environmental crimes across borders.
GLOBAL ISSUES, LOCAL PERSPECTIVES: Newsrooms are encouraged to adapt our work to fit local contexts.
A WIDER AUDIENCE: With over 20 partners in 4 continents, our journalists’ stories can have a much higher impact.
Work with us
We are expanding our network of newsrooms and journalists! Contact us to join an ongoing investigation, or to pitch a new project.
Reach us at contact@investigative.earth.
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Who we are
The Environmental Reporting Collective is managed by a Core Team which coordinates our work across continents.
Assistant editor, Philippines