Across Asia, we looked for data sources on the pangolin trade. Here’s what we found.
Did we miss anything? Let us know:
Description: report records of import/export of pangolins by countries (non-transactional record)
Major Fields:
,Imp Quantity
,Imp Unit
,Imp Term
,Imp Purpose
,Imp Source
,Reporter Type
Data Subset of Manidae - data download
Size: 20 million+ records (full dataset)
Range: 1975 onwards
Format: CSV
Source: NGO
Remarks: Error data not marching headers are spliced out. Error Data and Locations can be viewed on this notebook (spliced out data do not concern Manidae but other species)
Status: Exploratory analysis. Karen filed the request, 2018 data not available until October at earliest.
calculate scales(kg) to individual number (scale to weight ratio of different species) (paul
Environmental Investigation Agency
Description: a subset seizure incidents from 2000 to 2018, compiled from publicly available records and represents only a fraction of actual trade during that period
Major Fields:
(no raw data publicly available)Size: N/A
Range: 2000 - 2018
Format: Plot Map Visual
Source: Environmental Investigation Agency (NGO)
Format: PDF
HKU Paper on Pangolin Seizures in China
Description: We summarize pangolin seizure data reported in public media from 2008 to 2016, incorporating often neglected small seizures reported in Chinese.
Major Fields:
,equal individual
,source country
,custom or not
,media source
Size: 207 records
Range: media reports from 2008 - 2016
Format: Excel
Source: Academic (media reports, court verdicts, CITES…)
Pangolin ingredient in Chinese Medicine
Description: Stats of hospitals using medicine with pangolin ingredients, 209 medicine companies, 78 kinds of medicine, 715 hospital
Major Field:
,Hospitals Using Medicine with pangolin ingredient
,Medicine name
,Permit ID
,Production Companies
Size: 314 medicine-medcine_company records(Normalised)
Timestamp: 2016
Format: csv
Source: China Food and Drug Administration
Remarks: shared by Jiaming
Government stock (TK)
Description: pangolin keyword search
Major Fields:
Company Name
,Legal Representative
,Registered Capital
,Founder Date
Size: 120 companies
Timestamp: 01-06-2019
Format: Excel (Normalised)
Source: Qixin open data
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Customs Press Release data download
Description: Text data on HK Customs press release
Major Fields:
Size: 2352 records (all press release)
Range: 2004 - 2018
Format: TSV/Excel/Spreadsheet
Source: Government (self scraped & curated database)
Hong Kong Seizure Data by Karen
Description: Summarized from HK Customs data
Major Fields:
Date of seizure
,Quantity (kg)
,Other contraband
,Where found
,Seizure region
,Smuggled from
,More info about the contraband
,Any arrest?
,Worth (HK dollars)
Size: 30 records
Timestamp: 2012 - 2019
Format: Excel
Source: Summarized from HK Customs data
Taiwan court case
Description: Court case results by keyword search ‘穿山甲’
Major Fields:
Cause of Action
,Court Info
Size: 104 (including unrelated cases)
Range: 1997 - 2019
Format: Excel
Source: Taiwan Judicial
Description: Pangolin seizure cases summarised from media reports
Major Fields:
,Amount (Live)
,Amount (Frozen)
,Amount (Scales)
,Amount (Parts)
,Agg number of panglins
Size: 30
Range: 2011 - 2019
Format: Excel/Spreadsheet
Source: Media Reports
Central Investigation Bureau, Nepal Police
Description: summary of pangolin operation data since 2012
Major Fields: N/A
Size: N/A
Range: Since 2012
Format: Summary data
Source: government
buyer demographics
need research on the comprehensive survey
from vietnam country report