Collaborative investigative journalism on environmental crimes around the world.
The Environmental Reporting Collective is a network of journalists and newsrooms from over a dozen countries, all dedicated to investigating environmental crimes collaboratively.
Our logo, a pangolin, is inspired by our first project, The Pangolin Reports. Over 40 journalists worked together to investigate and expose the global pangolin trafficking trade.
Today, the ERC continues to run cross-border investigative projects that highlight the role of large-scale environmental crimes in the global climate crisis.

Find out more about the ERC and the team behind it.
We’re accepting applications for Collaborative Reporting Grants open to media outlets, journalists, and freelancers.
We are also offering Training Grants for journalists and newsrooms to organise self-tailored training programmes for themselves.

Our latest investigation
Beneath the Sands: We ‘dig’ into how sand mining syndicates from Africa to Asia profit and communities suffer from the poorly regulated industry from Africa to Asia.